
Archipelago | JLL Case Study

Written by Ian Ascher | January 5, 2022

Archipelago’s Risk Data Platform helped JLL improve the quality of its Property Insurance Program and its proposition to its customers.

JLL is a global leader in real estate services and provides property and facilities management for customers totaling 4.6 billion square feet across an array of real estate assets. These services include on-site property management to ensure assets are performing at their peak, with a focus on mitigation of risk through operational consistency and enhancement of the tenant experience.

JLL also provides insurance coverage as a service to its property management client properties, placed through a shared program administered by JLL. Collecting, maintaining, and updating each year the property risk data needed to support the renewal of this insurance program has been a persistent challenge for JLL, a challenge compounded by the fact that the data resides across multiple owners involved in the overall program.

This process has been transformed for JLL on Archipelago. Rather than requesting its individual customers, the owners of the properties, to provide COPE data about the risks, JLL partnered with Archipelago to understand what data could be provided directly by the JLL property managers and facilities engineers actually on-site at each of its customers’ properties in the program. By reenvisioning the process, Archipelago enabled JLL to efficiently tap its own expertise, its people, and their data, to improve the quality of its Property Insurance Program and its proposition to its customers.


Data sourced directly from JLL Property Managers improves the quality of information shared with insurers

By making it easy for JLL’s property and facilities managers, those with affinity to the individual properties, to share their direct knowledge about the properties and provide documents on Archipelago for the platform AI to extract the pertinent information, JLL not only saved time collecting and maintaining the data but increased the quality of the information with verified sources leading to better outcomes. Documents included PCAs, Design Docs and Fire Protection Plans, Roof Maintenance and Warranties, and imagery of the properties.