Archipelago | David Wiehe

1 min read
March 2, 2023


Customer Story Transcript:

"My name is David Wehey. I am the Director of Risk Management at Extra Space Storage, which is a publicly traded real estate investment trust headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah.

For me, my goals – and I think just part of my nature – are to make things more efficient, but also more accurate. Those things inspire me with Archipelago because I think that is going to reduce the time spent, but also the risk of error that happens during renewal.

One of the things we hoped to move away from was sharing spreadsheets via email with updated numbers, updated rates, updated values.

What we found in the current renewal process using Archipelago is the ability to quite professionally share a link that has both part of our story with the broker. The broker has helped create our story within Archipelago and also for the broker to be able to share that with different carriers. They enjoy the centralized location of the data and the underlying documents that are clearly identified to support the enriched data in our SOV.

We're hopeful that those efficiencies will lend themselves to both, consistency between carriers, but also, ideally for us in the end, a better price point. We feel like the wind is on our back."


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