Archipelago | Jon Raleigh

1 min read
March 2, 2023


Customer Story Transcript: 

"My name is John Raleigh. I'm with First Industrial Realty Trust. I've been with the company since 1995, one year after they went public.

We have about 67 million square feet, about 500 buildings across the portfolios. And it's a team of two. It's just the two of us against the world.

In a hard market, the insurance carriers have clearly made it apparent that they're looking for improved data quality, and they have a lot of submissions.

So the underwriters come back and say, "What we really want is better data quality. When you send us a submission, we wanna be able to, trust the information that you're sending to us is accurate." When you come to them with Archipelago, it's all nice and neatly packaged. They can export everything and do their own analysis real quick. That puts you in a better position. It differentiates your account.

So an underwriter is more likely to say, "If I got this big stack and I have a submission here that's Archipelago, it's gonna go right to the top."

I can feel very confident that we've run everything through the Archipelago AI and if the data has been validated and it is accurate. And the results of the models and the results of the numbers, I can stake my reputation on it being accurate because I know that the system works."

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